
Along Nairobi-Mombasa Highway, next to Kajiado East CDF office and opposite Emali Kajiado Police Station .

+254 725 063 145

P.O BOX 249-90121 Emali

Nurturing resilience amidst drought.

Project Name​

Project Goal​

Geographical Coverage​

Safeguarding the well-being of children, families, and communities affected by drought in Kajiado and Makueni counties in Kenya.

To support 3,000 people to be resilient to the effects of drought and climate change within Emali Community by February 2024.

Emali-Mulala ward, Makueni county and Poka-Kenyewa ward, Kajiado county


ChildFund New Zealand

Implementation Period:

April 2023 -February 2024

Strategic Focus:

Emergency Response, Education, Health, and Nutrition

Project Objectives

  1. To increase access to nutritious food for 8,000 school going children, 300 mothers and 500 vulnerable households and 50 PWDs through distribution
  2. To improve access to education for 150 children from drought affected families.
  3. To enhance the Recovery and adaptive capacity of 500 households affected by drought.
  4. To increase awareness on prevention and response to child abuse and GBV during emergencies

Key Achievements

  1. 37 schools across Makueni and Kajiado counties were provided with nutritious food with a total reach of 10,322 children (5,155 Male 5,167 Female).
  2. Four growth monitoring sessions conducted in 37 ECD schools across Kajiado and Makueni counties tracked 1282 children’s progress, comprising 673 boys and 609 girls with the support of Ministry of Health and community health volunteers.
  3. 332 pregnant and new mothers, 700 vulnerable households (total of 3150 people 1283 male and 1867 female), 58 persons with disabilities were supported with food baskets.
  4. 2 community-based committees formed and trained in Disaster Risk Reduction, child protection, and Gender Based Violence.
  5. 581 community members (148males, 433females) and 1204 (723M, 481F) children in Primary and Secondary Schools sensitized on child protection, child labour, child marriage and sexual and gender-based violence risks.
  6. 17 malnourished (11 male, 6 female) children supported with additional food baskets.
  7. 300 (3male, 297 female) caregivers with under 5 years old children were trained on safe motherhood and responsive positive parenting.

Best practices

Partnerships: Through partnerships with various line Ministries and Departments, in both Kajiado and Makueni County and National Government EDCA was able to leverage on their expertise in the implementation of the various activities.

Project Documentary

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