
Along Nairobi-Mombasa Highway, next to Kajiado East CDF office and opposite Emali Kajiado Police Station .

+254 725 063 145

P.O BOX 249-90121 Emali

Mulala Water and Hygiene for Climate Resilience

Project Name​

Project Goal​

Geographical Coverage​

Mulala Water Access and Hygiene Awareness Creation for Climate Change Resilience

To support 3,000 people to be resilient to the effects of drought and climate change within Emali Community by March 2024.

Emali-Mulala ward, Makueni county.


ChildFund New Zealand

Implementation Period:

October 2022 - March 2024

Strategic Focus:

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Key Achievements

  1. A total of 5,375 people currently benefit from the water project. Out of 5,375 people benefitting from the water, 113 HHs (527 people, 256M & 271F) have access to tapped water at home, 160HHs (960 people) have water access cards and get water directly from automated water kiosks. A total of 2,507 (893M & 1,614F) have access to water at school.
  2. A total of 2,050 livestock including cows, goats and sheep access water at household level and community taps.
  3. 2 Water Kiosks have been constructed and a water ATM installed in both the water kiosks.
  4. 10 community health volunteers were trained on water safety, water resource conservation and hygiene management. The community heath volunteers were expected to cascade the trainings to community members.
  5. 3,560 (1,418M, 2,142F) people have been reached by the cascade trainings conducted with the assistance of community health volunteers through public awareness campaigns and sensitization in schools. The community health volunteers carried out door to door campaigns to sensitize the community on water handling and hygiene management.
  6. 4 campaigns have been conducted in Iviani, Kwakotoe, Mulala and at Kativani that reached a total of 1,532 people (719 Male, 813 Female) to raise awareness on the importance of hygiene in management of primary health.
  7. 10 ToTs trained on climate change and Climate smart agriculture. The training was conducted with the support of Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research organization (KALRO) and Kenya Forestry Research Institute, (KEFRI). The ToTs will be facilitated to conduct cascade sensitization to other farmers and households.

Project Video

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