
Along Nairobi-Mombasa Highway, next to Kajiado East CDF office and opposite Emali Kajiado Police Station .

+254 725 063 145

P.O BOX 249-90121 Emali




Always Open

Making a Difference

To work, in collaboration with like-minded partners, to initiate, harness and support diversified community driven development projects that protect and empower children and enhance climate resilient livelihoods.


Help Us Make a change

Safe and empowered children in a community with sustainable livelihoods

Our Core

What Defines Us


Effectiveness and Efficiency

Teamwork and Collaboration



Developing thriving communities where children, youths and their families have their basic needs met sustainably and are protected from all forms of harm and abuse.

Child Protection

We identify the informal community mechanisms that exists to protect children from all forms of harm and abuse and work towards improving or strengthening them, so that all children in the community are protected from all forms of abuse sustainably while linking such mechanisms to the formal government systems.

Health and Nutrition

We support vulnerable community members access quality health care in the health facilities while supporting the caregivers to be able to provide their children access nutritious meals to enable curb malnutritional levels. Under this thematic area the project conducts activities such as growth monitoring of the ECD children, support growing of nutritious crops in the kitchen gardens, health outreaches and access to universal health care under national government agenda four

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We support the children to access quality education especially children from vulnerable backgrounds. Activities under this area include supporting ECD children attend ECD centers and supporting youths’ access vocational training.

Water and Sanitation (WASH)

We support communities to have safe and clean environment and hygienic facilities, this support includes supporting the communities with clean water sources (drilling boreholes and pipeline extension and repairs) and safe sanitation facilities (Latrines and handwashing kits).

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We work with vulnerable households with an objective of enabling them become economically resilient towards perennial droughts such activities include supporting communities with agricultural assets that are drought resistant, modern day farming and supporting them with drought resistant crops in addition to enabling them do irrigation farming as opposed over reliance on rain fed agriculture.

an image of children having a discussion

Our Governance Structure

EDCA has a governance structure that’s headed by a board chairperson, where all the board members are from the local community and are duly recognized by the NGO board of Kenya. The board is elected by the local community with a non-renewable term of 3years. The day to day business of the organization is tasked to the management under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer 

Our Goal

Our primary goal is to create thriving communities where children and the youth have access to basic needs and are also protected from all forms of harm and abuse.

Our Approach

We support families as the basic unit for the long-term molding of children's character and, ultimately, that of future adults. Any effort to improve the Children's circumstances cannot be successful if we ignore the family unit.

Our Data

EDCA also uses evidence-based data and engages the community members throughout the project implementation so as to align the proposed activities to the set roadmap and strategic plans


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